Sunday, March 13, 2011

Too few to be heard? Za mało, zbyt cicho.

I think, yesterday’s events in the city centre surprised many people. Firstly, because they took place, and secondly, because they lasted for several hours. The whole incident seemed relatively peaceful. Well, not very violent, but I’m sure that many will bear its consequences. Is that all, or is it just the beginning?

Myślę, że wczorajsze wydarzenia w centrum miasta zaskoczyły wiele osób. Po pierwsze, ponieważ doszły do skutku, a po drugie dlatego, że przetrwały kilka godzin. Całe wydarzenie wydawało się stosunkowo spokojne, ale jestem pewna, że wielu z biorąch w nim udział poniesie tego konsekwencje. Czy to już wszystko, czy to tylko początek?


  1. Well, that's the question we ask also here in "the West". Is that all or it's just the beggining? It is for sure very important, what's happening in Baku and in other countries in the moment. I really apreciate, that this time the people are brave to go to streets and shout for their rights. This is already a big change to that what we know from the past - in many african countries: a new dictator abolishes an old dictator and starts his new dictatorship.. This time that are the people of the country. I cross my fingers for them! I cross my fingers for the cahnge! And I hope it's not gonna to stop just now. I just can not still find the answer, what can/ should we do, to not just watch the situation from our warm coaches in our warm living-rooms?

  2. It is more than obvious that J. is very activ in the matter of elephants hygiene:) ..but is that you in the picture number 7 touching elephant´s trunk?:)
